The Way of the Cross

‘I have nothing to claim but my guilt and my shame,
Hopelessly lost I could not find my way,
Until this glorious light of love shone down on me.
His mercy washed all my sin away, and what he did for me that day
Was a price I know he paid. By his grace I too can say, forever say.
I have come by the way of the cross,
I have come by the way of the cross,
It is nothing I have done, it’s the suffering of God’s son,
I have come by the way of the cross.
I see millions gathered round the
throne, from every kindred and tongue,
Those redeemed by the blood of the
Lamb, as they cast their crowns at his feet,
This will be their story, this will be their song.
We have come by the way of the cross,
we have come by the way of the cross.
It is nothing we have done, It’s the suffering of God’s Son,
We have come by the way of the cross.’