Obeying God

As a kid, did your parents ever ask you to do something that seemed unreasonable? When you asked, Why should I do this?” they would say, Because I said so!” Looking back, were the things your parents told you to do because they said so” the right thing? Yes. Can you see in hindsight how they were wise?

Just like he did with Noah, God will ask you to do things you dont understand for the rest of your life. When youre 80 years old, God will say, I want you to do this.” And you’ll ask, Why? That doesn’t make sense.” And God will say, Because I said so.”

Situations like these are a test. Faith is believing when you dont see it, but its also obeying when you dont understand it. If you dont learn to obey, you’ll miss out on so many blessings God has in store for you.

But if you learn to do what God tells you to do without question, even when it seems absurd and the exact opposite of your natural tendency, then you will grow in faith—and be blessed.

Talk It Over

  • Have you ever experienced a time when God told you to do something that seemed impossible and when you moved ahead in faith, you found that God made it possible for you to accomplish it?
  • Why do you think God asks you to do things that are not possible in your own strength?
  • Is there an area of your life you know God is asking you to stop asking questions and just be obedient? What step of faith do you need to take today to finally obey?