8:46 a.m. September 11 2001

8:46 a.m. September 11 2001.. Do you remember where you were? And many wondered, What’s happening? Are we safe? Is everything going to be okay?
Yet even today when we ask ourselves, “What is happening? Are we safe? Is it going to be okay?”, here’s what I know: God was there in the chaos, and He is with us in this moment. God’s heart breaks for His precious children, but He is never surprised by our struggles. He goes before us and can be trusted with every detail. God is our safe place today and for all eternity.
On this anniversary of 9/11, we honor the memory of those who lost their lives, and we give thanks for those who had the courage to serve in the face of danger. While Patriot Day (9/11) is recognized as the official day of remembrance for this tragic event, we know that any day is a good day to lift those most impacted up in prayer.
Dear Loving Father,
We pause to remember the great losses and courageous acts of September 11th. We lift up those who are still affected — families of the victims, police officers, firemen, first responders, and all who were involved. We pray for the light of Christ to flood the hearts of people everywhere. We believe You desire to redeem Your creation, and we trust that beauty will continue to come from the ashes of those dark days. Surround us with Your mighty angels of protection, give us compassion for one another in all of life’s circumstances, and instill in us the courage to answer Your call. Amen.
Let’s take today to remember… especially those who may feel the pain of this day most acutely. Share encouragement; Spread messages of comfort and peace. Give hope.